The Global Index for Fair Recruitment

Discrimination Watch uncovers and eliminates bias in recruitment through the Recruitment Discrimination Index.

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Explore our latest research and see which companies are leading—or falling behind—in fair recruitment practices.

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About Us

Our Mission & Vision as a non-profit

Our Mission

To uncover and eliminate bias in recruitment processes across industries, regions, and organizations to encourage fairer recruitment practices.

Our Vision

We believe in a world where everyone gets a fair chance at a job—regardless of their name, age, gender, or socio-economic background.

Anticipate Our Upcoming Report

2025 Recruitment Discrimination Index—Who’s Doing It Right?

Partner with Us

Join us in reshaping the future of fair recruitment. As a Founding Member, your organization will gain early access to our Recruitment Discrimination Index (RDI) report. Backed by early investors and executives of:

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